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Few links and images, tests, etc. I should create a real page but I do not take the time to do it.
On this page, you can find documentations about some tools and resources that are developed in the Sémagramme. The main page of the Sémagramme. Team can be found HERE. Is a Graph Rewriting tool dedicated to applications in Natural Language Processing. Is an online version of Grew where you can search patterns in corpora. Is a natural language parser based on Interaction Grammars. Is a program for drawing dependency structures. A full list of software and libraries can be found here.
A blog about the implications of the statistical properties of language for second language learners. As bad as it must sound.
Baby Sophia and Big Sister Anikas Blog. This journal reads from the bottom up. Tuesday, November 17, 2009. Its been nearly a year since posting about my girlies. But I want you to try. Knows how to get what she wants. She is nothing like her older sister who feared .
Агинский дацан во все времена. Реквизиты для пожертвования на восстановление Согчен дацана. Первым шэрээтэ ламой Агинского дацана избирается Ригден Пагбаев, унзад лама Тугнугалтайского дацана хоринских бурят, из многочисленного рода харгана. Здесь очевидно, что агинские буряты хотели видеть первым шэрээтэ ламой своего человека, принадлежащег.
Ein idyllischer Höhenwanderweg am Kasberg - Grünau im Almtal. Musik, immer ein Erlebnis. Schmankerln, Musik und Tanz aus dem Almtal. Der Kletterspaß der Naturfreunde Vorchdorf. Harley Davidson Charity Tour 2010. Heiße Öfen auf Station in Vorchdorf. Ein schöner Aussichtsberg in den OÖ-Voralpen. Mittelalterliches Treyben auf der Ruine Seisenburg.
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